
miss ya

march of the zapotec



porque nos gusta el tetris

blue period picasso

i'm a blue period picasso stuck on a wall
in a middle of a hall in barcelona
trying to figure out how to get down.
the painting's surroun me
they don't understand me.
i'm too early
i've seen this development
curing this duller sense

but i'm not just being blue
because i have form, and shape, and color too
and i miss you and this campton
that is the focus
that is what all the school is reading to us
i'm just a part of what i am
it's just a part of my beating heart
beating for you

so i beg you please
please wrap me up, please take me out
please hold me close on to your breast
run down the stairs, out in open air
away from the ladies, the japanese tourists
thank god for motors because i'm so hopeless
take me wherever you really cae from
you will be famous, seen iin the headlines
though you
just kindly stole my heart


sabor a tierra

i do not care...


airport / taxi / reception

i left my mind in the airport,
my thoughts in a taxi,
my heart in reception,
and the last thing i saw was you


¿de quien es?

thomas alva edison / homero simpson / deger engiz



what i learned today

the story of stuff

me encontré este video sobre el ciclo de vida de los productos, muchos ya sabrán muchas de estas cosas, y para los que no, es una manera fácil de acercarse al tema